Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Support Vector Machines

A support vector machine (SVM) is a statistical supervised learning technique from the field of machine learning applicable to both classification and regression. The original SVM algorithm was invented by Vladimir N. Vapnik and the current standard incarnation (soft margin) was proposed by Corinna Cortes and Vapnik in 1993 and published 1995. [1] SVMs use the spirit of the Structural Risk Minimization principle.

A support vector machine constructs a hyperplane or set of hyperplanes in a high or infinite dimensional space, which can be used for classification, regression, or other tasks. Good separation is achieved by the hyperplane that has the largest distance to the nearest training data point of any class (so-called functional margin), since in general the larger the margin the lower the generalization error of the classifier. SVMs are used to classify linear and nonlinear separation models.
Whereas the original problem may be stated in a finite dimensional space, it often happens that the sets to discriminate are not linearly separable in that space. For this reason, it was proposed that the original finite-dimensional space be mapped into a much higher-dimensional space, presumably making the separation easier in that space. To keep the computational load reasonable, the mappings used by SVM schemes are designed to ensure that dot products may be computed easily in terms of the variables in the original space, by defining them in terms of a kernel function K(x,y) selected to suit the problem.

Structural Risk minimization

Structural risk minimization (SRM) (Vapnik and Chervonekis, 1974) is an inductive principle for model selection used for learning from finite training data sets. It describes a general model of capacity control and provides a trade-off between hypothesis space complexity (the VC dimension of approximating functions) and the quality of fitting the training data (empirical error). The procedure is outlined below.
  1. Using a priori knowledge of the domain, choose a class of functions, such as polynomials of degree n, neural networks having n hidden layer neurons, a set of splines with n nodes or fuzzy logic models having n rules.
  2. Divide the class of functions into a hierarchy of nested subsets in order of increasing complexity. For example, polynomials of increasing degree.
  3. Perform empirical risk minimization on each subset (this is essentially parameter selection).
  4. Select the model in the series whose sum of empirical risk and VC confidence is minimal.

Hyper plane

Let be scalars not all equal to 0. Then the set S consisting of all vectors  

in such that

for c a constant is a subspace of called a hyperplane.

More generally, a hyperplane is any codimension-1 vector subspace of a vector space. Equivalently, a hyperplane V in a vector space W is any subspace such that W/V is one-dimensional. Equivalently, a hyperplane is the linear transformation kernel of any nonzero linear map from the vector space to the underlying field.


The distance we have to travel away from the separating line (in a direction perpendicular to the line) before we hit a data point. Representation of margin is illustrated in figure (1).

Figure (1)

Support vectors

The data points in each class that lie closest to the classification line. They are the most difficult to classify. Support vectors have direct bearing on the optimum location of the decision surface. Representation of support vectors is illustrated in figure (2).

Figure (2)

Finding maximum margin classifier (optimal hyper plane)

Separating hyperplane has the form  where ‘w’ is the weight vector, ‘x’ is the particular input vector and ‘b’ is the bias.
New data points x are classified according to the sign of y(x)

The training data set comprises N input vectors with corresponding target values where  and new data points are classified according to the sign of y(x).
The distance from A to the separating plane is given by below equation (2)
The separation margin should be in minimum distance. Therefore the margin (M) for the given data points is given by below equation (3)
In support vector machines, it is needed to find the w and b that maximizes the above margin (M). This can be written as
When finding the optimal values of w and b, the data points should be in the correct side of the hyperplane. Therefore, hyperplane should maximizes the margin and all data points are correctly classified.
The above optimization problem can be rewritten as (5) to classify all the data points correctly.
Direct solution of this optimization problem would be very complex, and so it should be convert into an equivalent problem that is much easier to solve.

To do this rescaling  and  (where ‘k’ is a constant) can be done, then the distance from any point  to the hyperplane, given by  is unchanged.
Then it is freedom to set
For the point(s) that are closest to the hyperplane. In this case, all the data points will satisfy the constraints
This is known as the canonical representation of the decision hyperplane.

In the case of data points for which the equality holds, the constraints are said to be active, whereas for the remainder are said to be inactive.
By definition, there will always be at least one active constraint, because there will always be a closest point, and once the margin has been maximized there will be at least two active constraints.

The optimization problem simply requires that we maximize, which is equivalent to minimizing, then optimization problem can be written as below (8)
Subject to the constraints

Lagrange Multipliers

In mathematical optimization, the method of Lagrange multipliers (named after Joseph Louis Lagrange) is a strategy for finding the local maxima and minima of a function subject to equality constraints.
Consider the following optimization problem (which is called as primal)
s.t.      -(11)
To solve this problem first the generalized lagragian Function can be written as follows
Here, ’s and  ‘s are lagrangian multiplers
Now consider the quantity
P stands for primal
It can be shown that
takes the same value as the objective in our problem for all values of w that satisfies the primal constraints, and is positive infinity if the constraints are violated.

Hence, minization problem considered as follows.
It is the same problem as original, primal problem.
Let’s define the optimal value of the objective to be
This value called as value of the primal problem.

Lagrange Duality

Now let’s define a slightly different problem.
Here D stands for dual
Note that, in the definition of   , should be optimized (maximized) with respect to  and  (Lagrangian multipliers), and here dual problem is minimizing with respect to

The dual optimization problem can be written as follow
This is exactly the same as our primal problem shown above (eq 16), except that the order of the “max” and the “min” are now exchanged.

Optimal value of the dual problem’s objective to be defined as follows

Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions

The method of Lagrange Multipliers is used to find the solution for optimization problems constrained to one or more equalities. When constraints also have inequalities, methods are extended to the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions.
Assume f and s are convex and s are affine and assume that there exist some  so that  for all j.
Under these assumptions, there exist, and  so that  is the solution to the primal problem and,  and  are the solution to the dual problem
Moreover, = =
Additionally, , and  satisfy the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions:
Moreover, if some, and  satisfy the KKT conditions, it is also a solution to the primal and dual problems.
Eq (23) is called the KKT dual complementarity condition. Specially, it implies that if, then  (i.e. the constraint  is active, meaning it holds the equality rather than inequality).
Lagrangian function
 should be minimize with respect to w and b, and which will be done by setting derivatives of  w.r.t.  and  to zero.
Using (27) following equation (29) can be obtained
Substituting to equation (26) following equation (30) can be obtained
Dual problem
s.t.     -(32) 

This is also a quadratic programming problem in which maximize a quadratic function of  subject to some linear constraints. can be found by solving above dual problem.

Let’s take w* and b* and the solution to the primal problem and  is the solution to the dual problem
Where NS is the total number of support vectors. And further these  and  satisfy the KKT conditions
For a novel input vector x, the predicted class is then based on the sign of
Where  and  are found by equation (34) and (35).


The kernel trick was first published by Aizerman, Braverman and Rozonoer [2].Mercer's theorem states that any continuous, symmetric, positive semi definite kernel function K(x; y) can be expressed as a dot product in a high dimensional space.

The idea of the kernel function is to enable operations to be performed in the input space rather than the potentially high dimensional feature space. Hence the inner product does not need to be evaluated in the feature space. We want the function to perform mapping of the attributes of the input space to the feature space. The kernel function plays a critical role in SVM and its performance. See figure (3)

Figure (3)

Kernel function should be satisfy below conditions to be valid kernel.
  • Symmetric ;
  • Positive definite; for any
, the Gram matrix K must be positive semi-definite:

Positive semi-definite means for all x then K(.,.) corresponds to a dot product in some space .

Some Kernel functions

Radial Basis Kernel function

Polynomial Kernel function

Sigmoid function

Multi Class classification

SVMs were developed to perform binary classification. However, applications of binary classification are very limited especially in remote sensing land cover classification where most of the classification problems involve more than two classes. A number of methods to generate multiclass SVMs from binary SVMs have been proposed by researchers and is still a continuing research topic.

One against rest

This method is also called winner-take-all classification. Suppose the dataset is to be classified into M classes. Therefore, M binary SVM classifiers may be created where each classifier is trained to distinguish one class from the remaining M-1 classes. For example, class one binary classifier is designed to discriminate between class one data vectors and the data vectors of the remaining classes. Other SVM classifiers are constructed in the same manner. During the testing or application phase, data vectors are classified by finding margin from the linear separating hyperplane. The final output is the class that corresponds to the SVM with the largest margin.

One against one

In this method, SVM classifiers for all possible pairs of classes are created [3], [4].Therefore, for M classes, there will be binary classifiers. The output from each classifier in the form of a class label is obtained. The class label that occurs the most is assigned to that point in the data vector. In case of a tie, a tie-breaking strategy may be adopted. A common tie-breaking strategy is to randomly select one of the class labels that are tied. This method is considered more symmetric than the one against-the-rest method.

Multiclass objectives function

Instead of creating many binary classifiers to determine the class labels, this method attempts to directly solve a multiclass problem [5] [6] [7]
This is achieved by modifying the binary class objective function and adding a constraint to it for every class. The modified objective function allows simultaneous computation of multiclass classification and is given by [6]

Subject to the constraints

For and
Where are the multiclass labels for the data vectors and  are multiclass labels excluding.

Decision Directed Acyclic Graph based Approach

Platt [8] proposed a multiclass classification method called Directed Acyclic Graph SVM (DAGSVM) based on the Decision Directed Acyclic Graph (DDAG) structure that forms a tree-like structure. The DDAG method in essence is similar to pairwise classification such that, for an M class classification problem, the number of binary classifiers is equal to  and each classifier is trained to classify two classes of interest. Each classifier is treated as a node in the graph structure. Nodes in DDAG are organized in a triangle with the single root node at the top and increasing thereafter in an increment of one in each layer until the last layer that will have M nodes. See figure (4)

Figure (4)


Cortes, Corinna and Vapnik, Vladimir, "Support-vector networks," Machine Learning, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 273-297, 1995.
AIZERMAN, M. A., E. M. BRAVERMAN, and L. I. ROZONOER, "Theoretical foundations of the potential function method in pattern recognition learning," Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 25 (1964), pp. 821-837 Key: citeulike:431797, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 821-837, 1964.
T. J. Hastie and R. J. Tibshirani, "Classification by pairwise coupling," Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 10, 1998.
Knerr, S., Personnaz, L. and Dreyfus, G., "Single-layer learning revisited: A stepwise procedure for building and training neural network.," Neurocomputing: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, 1990.
J. Weston and C. Watkins, "Multi-class Support Vector Machines," Royal Holloway, University of London, 1998.
Lee, Y., Lin, Y. and Wahba, G., "Multicategory support vector machines," Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 2001.
Crammer, K. and Singer, Y., "On the algorithmic implementation of multiclass kernel-based vector machines.," Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 2, pp. 265-292, 2001.
J. Platt, N. Cristianini and J. Shawe-Taylor, "Large margin DAGs for multiclass classification.," Advance in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 12, pp. 547-553, 2000.


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